10 yards of denim was happily rescued by me from the local Goodwill store. Three weeks ago after 3 separate visits I knew it was begging for a home even if it meant sitting in my fabric stash. At the time I had some idea I would try a pair of jeans or two but had no idea that a big part of this springs style watch would be denim. Denim jackets, denim blazers, denim skirts, denim dress and denim pants all in several styles inspired by the '70's and else where. It will be interesting watching the return of the high waisted pant from that era and deciding if it is for me this time around.
To begin this denim adventure I have decided to consult the experts about pants. Out has come Pants For Real People by Pati Palmer and Marta Alto and Making Trousers for Men and Woman by David Page Coffin. My brain is still debating if I should invest in Lutterloh Jeans Making class or tool away on my own until I have my chosen pair perfected.
Do you have a favorite pair of jeans you have made?
Happy Super Bowl everyone. Although I think the Steelers are a good team I would not be a true girl of the green and yellow country with out saying GO PACKERS GO.
To get the best pants fit I took apart a good fitting rtw capri. Purchased the pants and ended up not liking the capri style but like the fit of them. Used it as a template against simplicity 2700and tweaked it according to the rtw pants. It worked out well.